Shibboleth at NC State » Technical Documentation » SP Installation » RPM Package Repos

RPM Package Repos

Official Repo

This is the official repo provided by the Shibboleth consortium. You can install packages directly from them, or use one of our local repos listed below. The official repo supports RHEL/CentOS 7 and 8, Rocky Linux 8, and Amazon Linux 2 as of Nov 2021. The link below provides a generator for the appropriate repo file.

CLS Package Repo

The is the newer package repo for the CLS Puppet-based configuration management project. We support RHEL/CentOS 7 and 8 as of Dec 2022.

Add the CLS yum repo to your server with puppet

Puppet code to manage the repo file and install the shibboleth package:

yumrepo { 'cls-pub-opt':
  descr    => 'CLS public opt repo',
  baseurl  => "\$releasever/\$basearch/",
  gpgkey   => '',
  enabled  => 1,
  gpgcheck => 1,

Vision4 Package Repo

This is an older repo originally provided for RHEL 6 packages. That version is no longer supported, but we still support RHEL/CentOS 7 and 8 as of Dec 2022.

Add the vision4 yum repo to your server

Login to your server and become root. Run these commands to install our repo files:

cd /etc/yum.repos.d

Download and install the signing certificate used to verify our repo.

rpm --import

Now you can verify that the repo is being used by looking for the SP package named "shibboleth".

yum search shibboleth
# returns ...
shibboleth.x86_64 : Open source system for attribute-based Web SSO